
博雅论坛第33期:Innovation Management System : how innovation is managed?-球盟会·(中国)-官方网站



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主 讲 人:CHIN Kwai Sang 教授

地  点:经管北楼206

主 办 方:管理科学与工程研究院

开始时间:2015-12-24 09:30

结束时间:2015-12-24 11:00

Dr. K.S. Chin, Chutian Chair Professor of Hubei Provincial Government of Wuhan University of Technology, is an Associate Professor in the Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management, City University of Hong Kong. Before joining the university in 1991, Dr Chin has years of experience in the Hong Kong manufacturing industry, holding senior positions in industrial engineering, product development, and quality assurance and management.  He is a Chartered Engineer in the UK and Registered Professional Engineer in Hong Kong. Dr. Chin is an Academician of International Academy of Quality (IAQ), Fellow of American Society for Quality (ASQ), USA, Fellow of Hong Kong Society for Quality (HKSQ), Fellow of the Hong Kong Quality Management Association (HKQMA), and senior members of several international engineering institutions.  Dr. Chin was the Chairman of HKSQ in 1997-2000. He is serving the ASQ Country Representative of Hong Kong 2000-2013 and the founding member of ANQ (Asian Network for Quality) since 2003. 

Dr. Chin is now serving as the Associate Head and Programme Leader of BEng Total Quality Engineering in City University. His teaching specialization and research interests are quality and innovation management, and new product development strategies and process. He has obtained more than US$1.5 million research funding from various sources. Dr. Chin has published about 200 international refereed journal and conference papers and he is now serving as editorial broad members and associate editors of several international journals.

Dr. Chin, due to his strong industrial background, is maintaining a good link with the industries. He has conducted more than 30 industrial projects in past few years in the areas of quality and innovation management, industrial engineering and engineering management, including training courses and consultancy projects conducted in Hong Kong, Pearl River Delta, Shanghai, and Philippine. The clients include DHL, Roche International, Dupont Chemical, Philips Consumer Electronics, Philips Semiconductors, Hong Kong Housing Society, China Light & Power, etc.








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