主 讲 人:Michael Bruce Nichol教授/博士
地 点:经管北楼206
主 办 方:球盟会·(中国)-官方网站海峡应急管理协同创新中心
开始时间:2015-11-02 16:30
结束时间:2015-11-02 18:00
lMichael B. Nichol教授/博士简介
Nichol博士期初是俄勒冈州卫生规划和发展署卫生规划师,1978-1984年成为策划总监,副总监,以及西俄勒冈卫生系统局的常务理事。在他担任执行董事期间,该机构开发了第一个医生具体收费指南,并公布给广大市民。此外,该机构主办的多个公共听证会使之成为俄勒冈州医疗补助计划卫生工作的重点。在负责医药经济与政策部期间,Nichol教授设立了医药经济与政策科学硕士,这已经成为该领域首屈一指的研究生学位之一。他曾在多项国家理事会和委员会工作,包括全国委员会的质量保证心血管工作组,国家质量论坛的国家自愿达成一致的治疗药物管理素质教育与坚持技术咨询小组,卫生保健研究和质量(AHRQ)医疗保健系统研究性学习机构。除了任现职卫生政策学教授,Nichol博士担任USC price公共政策学院的临时副院长,负责学院事务和指导学校的研究生医疗项目。这些项目包括法医疗管理硕士和医疗管理行政硕士。在过去的两年中, MHA和EMHA已经被重新调整,以期在学生的表现和职业素养方面有更突出的成果。尼科尔博士也是医药经济与政策的药学院教授以及Leonard D. Schaeffer中心卫生政策与经济学研究员。尼科尔教授积极从事相关项目研究,这些项目由联邦及企业资助。在医疗主题方面他已经出版了超过250同行评议的论文,他在许多制药和健康保险公司以及在加州各大医疗组织中担当顾问。
Dr. Nichol began his health care career as a health planner with the Oregon State Health Planning and Development Agency. He became planning director, associate director, and then executive director of the Western Oregon Health Systems Agency, between the years of 1978 and 1984. During his tenure as executive director, the Agency developed the first physician-specific fee guide, which was distributed to the general public. In addition, the Agency sponsored multiple public hearings as a part of the Oregon Health Decisions project, which resulted in a set of health priorities for the Oregon Medicaid program.While directing the Department of Pharmaceutical Economics and Policy, Professor Nichol developed the Master of Science in Pharmaceutical Economics and Policy, which has become one of the premier graduate degrees in the field. He has served on a number of national boards and committees, including the National Commission on Quality Assurance Cardiovascular Work Group, the National Quality Forum’s National Voluntary Consensus Standards for the Reporting of Therapeutic Drug Management Quality Education and Adherence Technical Advisory Panel, the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) Healthcare Systems Research Study Section, and a study section for the Patient Centered Outcomes and Research Institute (PCORI). Professor Nichol was President of the USC Faculty during the 2008-2009 academic year.In addition to his present appointment as Professor of Health Policy, Dr. Nichol serves as USC Price’s Interim Vice Dean for Faculty Affairs and directs the school’s Graduate Health Programs. These programs includes the Master in Health Administration and the Executive Master in Health Administration. In the last two years, both the MHA and the EMHA have been re-designed to create clear outcomes for student performance and career attainment. Dr. Nichol is also Professor of Pharmaceutical Economics and Policy in the School of Pharmacy, and a Research Fellow at the Leonard D. Schaeffer Center for Health Policy and Economics Professor Nichol maintains an active research program enabled by federal and corporate grants. He has published more than 250 peer-reviewed articles and abstracts on a variety of health topics. He regularly consults for pharmaceutical and health insurance companies, as well as large physician groups within California.