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主 讲 人:Eric Heikkila教授/博士

地  点:经管北楼206

主 办 方:球盟会·(中国)-官方网站海峡应急管理协同创新中心

开始时间:2015-11-02 09:30

结束时间:2015-11-02 11:30

lEric Heikkila教授/博士简介

南加州大学Price公共政策学院的终身教授并且负责学院的国际合作项目。 他是经过培训的经济学家并且在三个领域发表了许多的研究: 城市和区域发展、 城市信息系统以及东亚城市和文化。他的著作《规划经济学》由Rutgers大学城市政策研究中心发表。作为城市发展环太平洋理事会的联合创立者和执行秘书, Heikkila教授专注于环太平洋地区城市发展的学者和专业人员间建立坚实的国际间联系。作为Fulbirght奖学金的获得者,他在北京大学城市和环境学院进行了为期一学年的中国城市化的联合研究。

Eric Heikkila, Ph.D., is a tenured Professor at and Director of International Initiatives at the USC Price School. He is an economist by training and has been published extensively in three mains as of research: urban and regional development, urban information systems, and East Asian cities and cultures. His book, The Economics of Planning, was published by the Center for Urban Policy Research at Rutgers University. As co-founder and executive secretary of the Pacific Rim Council on Urban Development, Professor Heikkila has been instrumental in developing and maintaining a strong international network of scholars and practitioners who are involved in urban development throughout the Pacific region. As a recipient of a Fulbright Fellowship, he spent an academic year with Beijing University’s Department of Urban and Environmental Sciences, where he undertook joint research on urbanization in China.

上一篇:Topics of environmental heat transfer in urban area and plant factory







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