主 讲 人:Najm Meshkati教授/博士
地 点:经管北楼206
主 办 方:球盟会·(中国)-官方网站海峡应急管理协同创新中心
开始时间:2015-11-02 14:30
结束时间:2015-11-02 16:30
lNajmedin (Najm) Meshkati教授/博士简介
南加州大学Viterbi工程学院土木/环境工程和工业及系统工程的教授。他是Jefferson球盟会官方入口员以及美国国务卿科学技术顾问办公室的科学和技术资深顾问(20092010)。Meshkati博士为众多国内和国际技术组织就航空(和其他四种运输模式)、石油化工以及核安全的设计、评估、人为因素和安全文化相关的议题提供咨询。在2007年他从人因工程学会(Human Factors and Ergonomics Society)获得了Oliver Keith Hansen推广奖,为他在“人为因素对于复杂、大型技术系统的影响和对于推广关于关键人为因素和其对人类带来的好处的公共认知所做出的贡献”,Meshkati博士是唯一的持续在人为因素和航空器安全领域(如:机舱设计、飞行员失误和侵入跑道等)进行研究的全职USC教授。他同时在USC国际知名的拥有60年历史的航空器安全项目教授了20年。他是国家工程院/国家研究委员会就评估英国石油公司深水平台爆炸、火灾和原油泄漏所成立的委员会的一员。这个委员会负责采取措施以防类似事件在未来发生。
Dr. Najmedin (Najm) Meshkati is Professor of Civil/Environmental Engineering and Industrial & Systems Engineering at the University of Southern California Viterbi School of Engineering. He was a Jefferson Science Fellow and Senior Science and Engineering Advisor, Office of Science and Technology Adviser to the Secretary of State (20092010). Dr. Meshkati has consulted for many domestic and international technological organizations on aviation (and other four modes of transportation), petrochemical, and nuclear safety? design, evaluation, human factors, and safety culture related matters. He is the 2007 recipient of the Oliver Keith Hansen Outreach Award from the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (HFES) and was honored by the HFES for his “scholarly efforts on human factors of complex, large scale technological systems...[and] efforts to enhance public awareness of critical human factors issue [and] the benefits it brings to humankind.” Dr. Meshkati is the only fulltime USC faculty member who has continuously been conducting research on human factors and aviation safety related issues (e.g., cockpit design, pilot error, and runway incursions) and teaching in the USC 60year old internationally renowned Aviation Safety and Security Program, for the past twenty two years. He was also a member of the National Academy of Engineering/National Research Council’s Committee on the Analysis of Causes of the BP Deepwater Horizon Explosion.