
决策科学与人工智能技术学科论坛报告:Quality Design and Mechanism Design for Smart Industry-球盟会·(中国)-官方网站



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时间 2023年6月3日(星期六)上午8:40-9:30 报告人 唐立新院士
方式 地点 经管北楼316闽海报告厅


报告题目:Quality Design and Mechanism Design for Smart Industry

报告嘉宾:唐立新 中国工程院院士、东北大学副校长




Abstract:Smart industry takes the cyber-physical systems as the carrier and uses perceived data to accurately understand, measure, diagnose and forecast the production, logistics and energy flow processes. On this basis, precise control is made on production planning, scheduling optimization decision-making, operation and control to realize the intelligent ability of factories. This talk discusses the structural function and implementation mechanism of smart industry from both intra-enterprise and inter-enterprise perspectives: 1) For the intra-enterprise perspective, the logic structure of quality PDDE (Quality Perception, Quality Discovery, Product Quality Design, Process Design and Optimization) is constructed. Through data analytics and systems optimization, the core decision-making problem of improving quality and efficiency is solved, and the intra-enterprise cultivation is deepened; 2) For the inter-enterprise perspective, the organizational management mode of MCIS (Manufacture-Circulation Industrial System) is proposed. The intelligent game method is used to solve the group decision-making problems of inter-enterprise competition or cooperation, improve circulation efficiency in organized manufacturing, and increase the connection among enterprises. With the intra-enterprise cultivation and inter-enterprise connection, it greatly supports the high-quality development for industrial intelligence in China.

         报告人简介:立新,中国工程院院士,IEEE Fellow,现为东北大学副校长(科技规划、国际合作),第十四届全国人大代表,东北大学控制科学与工程(工业自动化)国家一级重点学科负责人,智能工业数据解析与优化教育部重点实验室主任、工业智能与系统优化国家级前沿科学中心主任和首席科学家、计算机软件国家工程研究中心工业软件首席设计师。兼任国务院学位委员会第八届学科评议组成员、教育部科技委人工智能专委会副主任、中国科协优化算法与软件决策咨询首席专家、中国金属学会副理事长中国运筹学会副理事长兼智能工业数据解析与优化专业委员会主任、清华大学自动化系咨询委员会委员、北京大学大数据分析与应用技术国家工程实验室技术委员会委员。主要研究方向为工业智能与系统优化理论方法,包括工业大数据科学、数据解析与机器学习、深度学习与进化学习、加强学习与动态优化、凸优化与稀疏优化、整数与组合最优化、计算智能优化等理论方法,智能工业全流程生产与库存计划、生产与物流批调度、生产过程操作优化与最优控制等系统优化技术,过程监测、设备诊断、产品质知等质量解析技术,图像理解、语音识别、可视仿真等工业智能技术,以及在钢铁制造、装备/芯片制造、能源工业、物流系统、信息工业中的工程应用。现为7个国际工业智能与系统优化领域重要SCI期刊的Associate Editor或编委,包括IISE Transactions, IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, Journal of Scheduling, International Journal of Production Research Associate Editor,国际期刊 Annals of Operations Research 编委,国际期刊 Asia-Pacific Journal of Operational Research 区域主编(Area Editor)。发表在国际工业与系统工程旗舰期刊 IISE Transactions 的论文被评为2017年度最佳应用论文奖Best Applications Paper Award)。








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